
Information in easy language

Many people can understand text in plain language better for a number of reasons:

  • Some people don’t speak English very well.
  • Some people have a disability.
  • Some people find it difficult to understand long sentences.

We explain to you in plain language:

Sign language

Notes on navigation

Video will follow shortly …

Hinweise zur Navigation

Video folgt in Kürze…

Declaration on accessibility

The Kunstmuseum Heidenheim endeavors to make its website accessible in accordance with Section 10 (1) of the State Disabled Equality Act (L-BGG).

This declaration on accessibility applies to the website.

State of compatibility with requirements

Due to the following incompatibilities or exceptions, this website is partially compatible with Section 10 (1) L-BGG.

Pictures are integrated on our website that may not have been assigned any alternative texts.

PDF files are included on our website, which are currently only partially accessible. The PDF files will be gradually reviewed and revised according to the Accessibility Policy.

Creation of this declaration on accessibility
This declaration was drawn up on August 7, 2021.

Feedback and contact details

Have you come across content on our website that:

  • are difficult to access
  • that violate the general recommendations for accessibility or are not WCAG 2.1 compliant
  • or the content of which is not clear to you

Then write us an e-mail to

Enforcement proceedings

In order to ensure that this website meets the requirements described in Section 10 (1) L-BGG, you can contact us using our feedback form and give us an appropriate response. If we do not answer your request to your satisfaction, please contact us contact the state disability officer.

Stephanie Aeffner, Landes-Behindertenbeauftragte
Else-Josenhans-Straße 6
70173 Stuttgart
(07 11) 2 79 33 60