21 August — 24 Oktober 2021

Anne Carnein

From Roots and Blossoms

Small Gallery Space

In her works, German sculptor Anne Carnein deals with plants and fungi.

She analyses their growth forms, colours and biological characteristics and then translates her observations into sculptures. She sews them by hand from different textiles, some of them worn, using and combining the different colours of the fabrics in an almost painterly way.

For the exhibition in the small temporary exhibition room of the Kunstmuseum, Carnein has put together a selection of her elaborately crafted pieces. When viewed together, they are reminiscent of a herbarium with detailed reproductions of real natural forms. Only on closer inspection does it become apparent that the sculptor is not imitating nature but interpreting it artistically. Through subtle shifts, the artist invites the viewer to look more closely and ask about the nature of plants and our relationship to them.

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